Keep sending mail early in the morning! I find this one very

Le mercredi 31 janvier 2007 à 06:20 -0800, Will Glass-Husain a écrit :
> Hi,
> Quick note at 6AM.  (always dangerous to send email 15 min after getting up).
> How about if I just drop my concerns about the lack of an rc, and just
> ask - is there any way we can issue a release "Velocity 1.5" with the
> anakia documentation fixed?  It's a small patch to two files to fix
> the xdoc that has already been applied to trunk.

"1.5" is a good marketing choice... keep it simple... the very few
people enough curious to find the download link of the not yet public
"1.5" release should be clever enough to correctly update their
dependencies and shouldn't be drastically impacted by the missing docfix
in Anakia.


> Again, I'd be happy to do the release - perhaps we could get the site
> ready, archive it, then copy the release over when ready?
> I really like the new site organization.  I assume these Maven issues
> are a temporary thing.  If it becomes too onerous we might just back
> out the specific site features in the short term.
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