Nathan Bubna wrote:
On 5/3/07, Henning P. Schmiedehausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


just sitting in Aarons' "incubating open source communities" talk and
a subject that came up again is removing the author tags. I know, that
in the past, I've been -1 on this but as we do have a CONTRIBUTORS
file now, I'd like to discuss this again.

Basically removing all the @author tags from the velocity code base
and docs and replacing it with 'Velocity development community' and a
link to the dev-list.

How about doing this?

I have become thoroughly opposed to having my email address anywhere
in the source, due to people asking me questions off of the mailing
list.  Drives me nuts...

Nathan, the above would be a legitimate reason for you not to put *your* email address in @author tags in source, or for you simply to refrain from putting @author tags in source at all. I do not see how it is an argument for removing @author tags placed there by other people.

In general, there is nothing in the nature of javadoc tags that requires you to include an email address, and if you did include one, it could perfectly well be the address of the appropriate mailing list, could it not?

Now, really, as for it bothering you so much that people write you in private to ask a question about some code you wrote, nobody obliges you to even answer. It is true that they should perhaps pose the question on the dev list. However, I think that, at some point, one must make allowances for human frailty. Some people are very reluctant to ask questions in a public forum, for fear of appearing stupid, or whatever, and will only ask them in private.

In general, I wonder about the whole psychology behind the removal of @author tags. After all, the technical/pragmatic arguments in favor of removal strike me as extremely weak. So it has me wondering, what are the *real* reasons that prophets of the so-called "Apache Way" are so adamant about removing @author tags? (And that's not a purely rhetorical question. I pose the question because I really don't know. OTOH, I don't really expect a forthright honest response to this from any of those poeple... :-))

Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,

As for removing my name...  sure, whatever, i'll go with the flow
either way on that.  i see value both ways.  since the ASF in general
seems to frown on the idea, that's probably the flow we should follow.

        Best regards

Henning P. Schmiedehausen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] | J2EE, Linux, |gls 91054 Buckenhof, Germany -- +49 9131 506540 | Apache person |eau Open Source Consulting, Development, Design | Velocity - Turbine guy |rwc |m k INTERMETA - Gesellschaft fuer Mehrwertdienste mbH - RG Fuerth, HRB 7350 |a s Sitz der Gesellschaft: Buckenhof. Geschaeftsfuehrer: Henning Schmiedehausen |n

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