
On 5/28/15 11:21 AM, Jacob Champlin wrote:
> On 05/28/2015 10:48 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
>> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:42 AM, Antonio Petrelli
>>>> But when repository branches do not build from source, releases do not
>>>> build from source, and no one seems to be around to suggest how it's
>>>> supposed to work, the Velocity development team destroys the ability
>>>> to attract and maintain new community members, which can only lead to
>>>> the project's slow death and migration to the Attic.
>>> And probably it is the best, but saddest, thing to do.
>> If I agreed with that, I wouldn't be part of this conversation.
>> People are still willing to contribute.
>> I have enough of a vested interest in Velocity that I will eventually
>> make progress on this issue.  :)
>> But now is the time to start enabling contributors to eventually
>> become committers and then PMC members while there are still
>> interested and willing contributors in the community.
> I would like to point out that we are very happy running Velocity 1.7,
> in fact there is not a single new feature we want.


> So we agree
> its a stable mature product that doesn't need a lot of changes.  Our
> problem is the world around it has been changing, and Velocity isn't
> keeping up.  Apache Commons in particular.  Looks like its easy to go to
> latest lang, and digester, but collections is a different beast.  So
> velocity
> isn't even keeping up with its dependencies from the same organization. 
> Not to mention I am sure the code could benefit from newer java features.


Only if it actually improves the ability to maintain the code. Jumping
to new language features is a bit of a risk, and should only be done if
there's a compelling reason.


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