
On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 8:31 PM, Nirmal Fernando <nir...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 7:43 PM, Sameera Jayasoma <same...@wso2.com>wrote:
>> I've also seen some place where we need to improve in
>> the TenantAwareLoadBalanceEndpoint class. Here are my observations.
>> 1) Five different inner "for-loops". This is a bad smell in the code.
> This five different inner 'for-loops' are not in
> TenantAwareLoadBalanceEndpoint class but in 'LoadBalancerConfiguration'
> file.
> And on the top of the method that has five different inner loops, there's
> a comment as follows (with a FIXME tag):
>         *// FIXME if possible! I couldn't think of any other way to do
> this, at this moment.
>         // Note: some of these for-loops are pretty small, thus no
> considerable performance overhead.*
> So, as the comment says, +1  for re-visiting the code and fixing it.
>  2) We do a registry lookup for each and every unknown host name. This
>> bit of code is vulnerable to a DOS Attack.
> Yes, Understood. Since the newly mapped domains are added to registry
dynamically, we have to look whether the invalid domain is defined there(In
Stratos domain mapping scenario).

Possible solution would be keeping the domain mapping in memory and
persist(For a failover/HA scenario). For that, we need to do web service
call to ELB or trigger an even to notify ELB. But service hosting facility
is disabled in ELB AFAIR. So we might be able to use queue subscription to
pass the message which we already have.
That way we can avoid using registry and also can gain better performance.

Please explain if there is a better way?

> @Lahiru please explain the context behind this.
>> 3) This code looks more like procedural-oriented code.
> You mean the code in this class??
>> Lets do a proper code review on this and refactor the code for the next
>> release. I've created a Redmine task for this.
> +1. We need all the people who contributed to this code, to understand the
> rationale behind.
>> Thanks,
>> Sameera.
>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 4:43 PM, Afkham Azeez <az...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> There are a number of debug statements which do String concatenations,
>>> and are not wrapped in log.isDebugEnabled() conditions. Such statements
>>> will cause unnecessary performance overhead.
>>> --
>>> *Afkham Azeez*
>>> Director of Architecture; WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>> Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://www.apache.org/
>>> * <http://www.apache.org/>**
>>> email: **az...@wso2.com* <az...@wso2.com>* cell: +94 77 3320919
>>> blog: **http://blog.afkham.org* <http://blog.afkham.org>*
>>> twitter: **http://twitter.com/afkham_azeez*<http://twitter.com/afkham_azeez>
>>> *
>>> linked-in: **http://lk.linkedin.com/in/afkhamazeez*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *Lean . Enterprise . Middleware*
>> --
>> Sameera Jayasoma,
>> Architect,
>> WSO2, Inc. (http://wso2.com)
>> email: same...@wso2.com
>> blog: http://sameera.adahas.org
>> twitter: https://twitter.com/sameerajayasoma
>> flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sameera-jayasoma/collections
>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
> --
> Thanks & regards,
> Nirmal
> Senior Software Engineer- Platform Technologies Team, WSO2 Inc.
> Mobile: +94715779733
> Blog: http://nirmalfdo.blogspot.com/

Lahiru Sandaruwan
Software Engineer,
Platform Technologies,
WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com

email: lahi...@wso2.com cell: (+94) 773 325 954
blog: http://lahiruwrites.blogspot.com/
twitter: http://twitter.com/lahirus
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