
When I was working on $Subject, found that this can't be done due to not
having an OSGi service from IS level but only admin service. AFAIK, it's
not recommend to call admin service unless server boot up.

Use Case:

SS has static/system resources (environments, instances and databases), so
we need to assign defaults permissions (if not already assigned) for these
at server start up. For that we need to first create service provider and
then store permissions according to available resources.

Approaches tried out:

1. Used application management configuration
(repository/conf/identity/service-provider/default.xml). By doing that it's
not got persisted into database/registry instead it keeps all the service
provider information in a static hash map (in memory). Since changes done
to in memory not got persisted it will be lost at server reboot.

2. Called admin service programmatically , this is not recommended since
carbon context and other services may not already activated.

At this moment solution what we can see is, implementing an OSGi service
for application management operations.
@Johann, WDYT?


*Dhanuka Ranasinghe*

Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc. ; http://wso2.com
lean . enterprise . middleware

phone : +94 715381915
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