Hi Team,

Following are tasks TBD for M2 and M3 releases of MB.
Thought of flushing my mind with the tasks that came up with last code
review and some last for some time.

1. Add a warning if parts cache is growing. (Done)
2. Make message status block capital (Done)
3. Make message status commented (TBD)

4. Remove msgId2MsgData auto removal of IDs. And make it a
concurrentHashMap. (Done)

5. Move Sent and Sent all status setting to correct places ().

6. Make send() of subscription impl logic free. If an exception came from
there, catch it and do the work within QDW class. Need to define proper
exceptions on why sending to subscriber failed (DLC sending if delivery
rules failed, if exception came when sending try another subscriber if
available, if not move them over in store with a new messageID, but keeping
the old id somehow) (This is a task. Need to assign somebody).

7. When all nodes in the cluster is gone make the index again (Done by

8. We decided to keep Acked by all and sent to all status, did not we? No
need to write what Ramith suggested now.

9. Add a delay when trying to delete slot to get over with Edge Case
brought out by Indika (Is it solved now? Problem was elsewhere?)

10. Need to run all topic test cases and make them pass.

11. Need to introduce new ack handle mechanism (QOS 0,1,2) and AMQP ack
means one of those.  AMQP transactions, client acks also come into play
here.  We need to be careful. (This is a task. Should be assigned to

12. We still did not review purge and queue delete. Should be done soon.
Topic deletion should be integrated with it. HasithaA can you schedule a

13. Hector code is committed now. We can choose hector or cql from config
level. Are we maintaining both now? WDYT?

14. Need to fix packaging someday.

15. Topic cluster wide tests needs to be written. There is a considerable
number of scenarios.

16. Topic ack and requeing should be verified with the spec. Should we
requeue topic messages if rejected by client, or if delivery failed? How
this affect to MQTT impl?

17. MQTT cluster tests needs to be written.

18. Puppetizing MB deployment? Did we make any progress?

19. Remove zookeeper, node queue, qlobal queue, queueAddress, topic
delivery worker concepts completely from the code.

20. We Must test and fix message counting. With concurrent publishers and
subscribers we still have message counting probs.

21. Apply config revamp.

Suppose we can go to M2 when these are done.

For M3

1. Fix all the UIs. This will take a considerable effort.
2. Merge remaining fixes from 2.2.0.


*Hasitha Abeykoon*
Senior Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com
*cell:* *+94 719363063*
*blog: **abeykoon.blogspot.com* <http://abeykoon.blogspot.com>
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