On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Hasitha Hiranya <hasit...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> Following are tasks TBD for M2 and M3 releases of MB.
> Thought of flushing my mind with the tasks that came up with last code
> review and some last for some time.
> 1. Add a warning if parts cache is growing. (Done)
> 2. Make message status block capital (Done)
> 3. Make message status commented (TBD)
> 4. Remove msgId2MsgData auto removal of IDs. And make it a
> concurrentHashMap. (Done)
> 5. Move Sent and Sent all status setting to correct places ().
> 6. Make send() of subscription impl logic free. If an exception came from
> there, catch it and do the work within QDW class. Need to define proper
> exceptions on why sending to subscriber failed (DLC sending if delivery
> rules failed, if exception came when sending try another subscriber if
> available, if not move them over in store with a new messageID, but keeping
> the old id somehow) (This is a task. Need to assign somebody).

> 7. When all nodes in the cluster is gone make the index again (Done by
> AsankaAb)
> 8. We decided to keep Acked by all and sent to all status, did not we? No
> need to write what Ramith suggested now.
> yes.

> 9. Add a delay when trying to delete slot to get over with Edge Case
> brought out by Indika (Is it solved now? Problem was elsewhere?)
> after the last perf tests we did, problem doesn't occur on H2, only with
Cassandra ( CQL and Hector both). This is a real and Massive L1

> 10. Need to run all topic test cases and make them pass.
> 11. Need to introduce new ack handle mechanism (QOS 0,1,2) and AMQP ack
> means one of those.  AMQP transactions, client acks also come into play
> here.  We need to be careful. (This is a task. Should be assigned to
> somebody).

> 12. We still did not review purge and queue delete. Should be done soon.
> Topic deletion should be integrated with it. HasithaA can you schedule a
> review?
> +1

> 13. Hector code is committed now. We can choose hector or cql from config
> level. Are we maintaining both now? WDYT?
> My Opinion is we can keep both (atleast at this stage)

> 14. Need to fix packaging someday.
> I suggest one of us do this and commit (big bang).

> 15. Topic cluster wide tests needs to be written. There is a considerable
> number of scenarios.
> Shall we come up with scenarios (in a doc may be). the distribute.

> 16. Topic ack and requeing should be verified with the spec. Should we
> requeue topic messages if rejected by client, or if delivery failed? How
> this affect to MQTT impl?
+1 lets check with the spec, and then chat

> 17. MQTT cluster tests needs to be written.
> Again lets see what are the scenarios and decide on a scope

> 18. Puppetizing MB deployment? Did we make any progress?
> We haven't done anything here. I checked with our cloud team there some
puppet template written for 2.2.0 also. However, we are waiting on the
initiative from automation team.

> 19. Remove zookeeper, node queue, qlobal queue, queueAddress, topic
> delivery worker concepts completely from the code.

> 20. We Must test and fix message counting. With concurrent publishers and
> subscribers we still have message counting probs.
> Lets open L2s for these to keep track.

> 21. Apply config revamp.
> Hasitha Amal can comment on this

> Suppose we can go to M2 when these are done.

> For M3
> 1. Fix all the UIs. This will take a considerable effort.

> 2. Merge remaining fixes from 2.2.0.

And we need to keep on testing end to end fix issues ( M3 should have been
all about bring stability, BUT  given that there could be some other
features/requirements we might have to deliver with v 3.0.0 - something we
will decide next week)


> Thanks
> --
> *Hasitha Abeykoon*
> Senior Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com
> *cell:* *+94 719363063*
> *blog: **abeykoon.blogspot.com* <http://abeykoon.blogspot.com>

Ramith Jayasinghe
Technical Lead
WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com

E: ram...@wso2.com
P: +94 777542851
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