Hi John,

Looking at the stack trace you provided in issue TOOLS-3005, I suspect that
the same class loading issue described in TOOLS-2958[1] caused this issue.

This class loading issue exists on MacOS with Java 7 update 55(7u55) and
later updates. As a workaround we can use Java 7 update 51(7u51) with DevS
3.7.1 on Mac OS to avoid this issue.

Can you please attach the full log($workspace/.metadata/.log) so that I can
confirm the workaround.


[1] - https://wso2.org/jira/browse/TOOLS-2958

On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 1:31 PM, John Hawkins <jo...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> re $subject. I've had this problem for ages now and it takes hours of my
> day to work around it.
> I've spoken about it before on this mailing list but the conversation
> kinda trailed off. This bug is now hitting me hard again - can anyone give
> me some of there time to fix? I know other users have had this in the past
> so it's not just me I suspect :-(
> many thanks,
> John.
> John Hawkins
> Director: Solutions Architecture
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