Hi Nashry,

Charts look appealing! good job on that.

Please find my answers inline.

On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 12:54 AM, Aaquibah Nashry <nas...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Manu/Dunith,
> I am in the process of creating gadgets for the unified dashboard. I am
> using the wso2das-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT dashboard for this purpose. I have
> attached images of the current state of the gadgets i have created. Kindly
> shed light on the following 3 points.
>    - I need guidance to do the following:
>    1. Need to customize and format the gadget container (padding, etc...).
> I'm not quite how to do this in UES level. Perhaps Manu can shed some
light into that.

>    1. Create a custom layout for the dashboard page
>    - I am creating gadgets with graphs (with controls such as drop
>    downs). I would like to know if the controls have to be included in the
>    gadget itself or whether it should be placed as a separate gadget, or any
>    other manner.
> AFAIK this can be achieved by using inter gadget communication currently
available with UES .2.0. You don't have to put those dropdowns in the same
gadgets, instead you can have them in a seperate gadget and enable two
gadgets to communicate with each other. Also you can consider creating your
own widgets for controls like dropdowns, texboxes etc. Please have a look
at default widgets available in the dashboard. That'll give you a headstart.

>    -
>    - I am using jaggery for database connectivity. I am unable to host
>    the jaggery files in the shindig server. When i hosted the jaggery files
>    separately i was able to get the data for the gadget graphs. Is it not
>    possible to host jaggery files in the shindig server? Kindly provide
>    alternatives if it is not.
> Why do you host your jaggery files inside Shindig? Shindig is not a
Jaggery runtime and it only provides container services for gadgets. So the
best option is to host your jaggery files seperatley and let your gadgets
to talk to them through AJAX. That is how gadgets that are generated using
Wizard fetch data from backend. Go through the main.js of a generated
gadget so that it'll give you an idea about this.

>    -
> Thanks in advance
> Regards,
> M.R.Aaquibah Nashry
> *Intern, Engineering**| **WSO2, Inc.*
> Mobile : +94 773946123
> Tel      : +94 112662541
> Email : nas...@wso2.com <nas...@wso2.com>


Dunith Dhanushka,
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc,

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