On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 8:33 AM, Afkham Azeez <az...@wso2.com> wrote:

> I think your requirement is to to send a URL to the client in an email.
> The best option is the define the entire URL as some config element and use
> that without complicating stuff so much.

​+1 for this.


> On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 6:53 PM, Geeth Munasinghe <ge...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 11:56 AM, Sameera Jayasoma <same...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> At the moment carbon.xml contains proxy host, proxy context path of the
>>> worker cluster. But proxy port of the worker cluster is missing. Therefore
>>> we need to add this to carbon.xml.
>>> Suggestion is to put following properties under the "Ports" element.
>>> <WorkerHttpProxyPort>80</WorkerHttpProxyPort>
>>> <WorkerHttpsProxyPort>443</WorkerHttpsProxyPort>
>>> WDYT?
>> +1
>> If the both worker and manager nodes are exposed globally, we are able to
>> get the host name from carbon.xml and proxy port from catalina-server.xml.
>> But there is a deployment scenario where proxy port cannot be taken from
>> catalin-server.xml.
>> Our use case is EMM administrator add users and sends emails with the
>> instructions to enroll the mobile device. We use the manager node to add
>> user and send the email. But devices will be enrolled to the worker node.
>> So email sent by the manager node contains the url of the worker nodes.
>> That means it has the proxy hostname and the proxy port of the worker. So
>> in a setup where manager node is not exposed to the outside world, only
>> worker nodes are exposed globally through the LB, then proxy port is not
>> configured in the manager node. Manager node can be accessed only from
>> internal network which is valid use case for many companies where security
>> is much concerned. In this case we are not able to get the proxy port of
>> the worker nodes from manager nodes.
>> I think above parameters would fix our problem. I have created a jira [1]
>> for this.
>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15659
>> Thanks
>> Geeth
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sameera.
>>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Sameera Jayasoma <same...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> +1. We should use carbon.xml at all cost otherwise we are adding
>>>> unnecessary overhead in configuring the products. You can see how we
>>>> generate other URLs. We do have few util methods.  Please reuse the util
>>>> methods.
>>>> When you calculate the URL, you need to consider following parameters.
>>>> hostname
>>>> proxy port or port
>>>> proxy path etc
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sameera.
>>>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 8:17 AM, Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar <
>>>> shan...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>> I agree with Chamara. We have a way to configure public hostname
>>>>> (HostName, MgtHostName in carbon.xml) and port (proxy port in
>>>>> tomcat/catalina-server.xml). This is what used in generating service
>>>>> endpoints, WSDL URLs etc. when a server is fronted with LB. I don't see 
>>>>> any
>>>>> necessary for EMM to have a new configuration.
>>>>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 12:41 AM, Geeth Munasinghe <ge...@wso2.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 12:12 AM, Chamara Ariyarathne <
>>>>>> chama...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Milan. Thanks for the information. We will try this tomorrow. But
>>>>>>> our purpose is to replace this whole url with a configured host name.
>>>>>>> However Geeth, I think the EMM team having to introduce a new config
>>>>>>> to put the globally exposed server url deviates from the purpose of 
>>>>>>> having
>>>>>>> HostName and MgtHostname properties in the carbon.xml..
>>>>>> Chamara,
>>>>>> I think I disagree with on that point. I dont think carbon hostname
>>>>>> or mgt host name cannot be used for globally exposing the server url.
>>>>>> AFAIK there is no place to put the port number in carbon.xml. There is no
>>>>>> point of having just a host name without the port number. The carbon.xml
>>>>>> host name will be the server ip address or the host name of the server
>>>>>> which the product is running as clearly mentioned in the document [1].
>>>>>> As another reference, AFAIK in ESB, we use WSDLPrefix [2] in order to
>>>>>> change the address endpoint of generated wsdls to LB's address when ESB 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> fronted by a LB.
>>>>>> So I think introducing a new config to put the LB host name and port
>>>>>> is valid.
>>>>>> [1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/Carbon440/Configuring+carbon.xml
>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>> https://docs.wso2.com/display/ESB490/Setting+Up+Host+Names+and+Ports
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Geeth
>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 9:58 PM, Milan Perera <mi...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>> ​Chamara​
>>>>>>>> ,
>>>>>>>> Today we found out that even when the Host Names are configured in
>>>>>>>>> the carbonl.xml to be server's identified domain name, the QR code 
>>>>>>>>> which is
>>>>>>>>> generated while device registration, uses the host ip address which is
>>>>>>>>> picked up from nowhere.
>>>>>>>> ​
>>>>>>>> Actually this IP is taking from the PAN. In my machine, if I dont
>>>>>>>> set it manually from the carbon.xml to my wlan IP, it pics the pan1
>>>>>>>> ( and it breaks all the download links that are generated 
>>>>>>>> by the
>>>>>>>> jaggery in most of the time.
>>>>>>>> pan1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr c2:1e:fe:3b:6a:6e
>>>>>>>>           inet addr:  Bcast:
>>>>>>>> Mask:
>>>>>>>>           inet6 addr: fe80::c01e:feff:fe3b:6a6e/64 Scope:Link
>>>>>>>>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>>>>>>>>           RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>>>>>>>>           TX packets:156 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>>>>>>>>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
>>>>>>>>           RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:28795 (28.7 KB)
>>>>>>>> wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 84:3a:4b:9b:cf:66
>>>>>>>>           inet addr:  Bcast:
>>>>>>>> Mask:
>>>>>>>>           inet6 addr: fe80::863a:4bff:fe9b:cf66/64
>>>>>>>> Scope:Link
>>>>>>>> Metric:1
>>>>>>>>           RX packets:207466 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>>>>>>>> frame:0
>>>>>>>>           TX packets:41603 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>>>>>>>> carrier:0
>>>>>>>>           collisions:0
>>>>>>>> txqueuelen:1000
>>>>>>>>           RX bytes:209272568 (209.2 MB)  TX bytes:7936480 (7.9 MB) ​
>>>>>>>> ​To overcome t​his, what I do is uncomment the <ServerURL> tag from
>>>>>>>> the carbon.xml and set it to my wlan ip.
>>>>>>>> <ServerURL>
>>>>>>>> ${carbon.management.port}${carbon.context}/services/</ServerURL>
>>>>>>>> ​Regards,​
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> *Milan Perera *| Software Engineer
>>>>>>>> WSO2, Inc | lean. enterprise. middleware.
>>>>>>>> #20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94 77 309 7088 | Work: +94 11 214 5345
>>>>>>>> Email: mi...@wso2.com <ar...@wso2.com> | Web: www.wso2.com
>>>>>>>> <http://lk.linkedin.com/in/milanharinduperera>
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Chamara Ariyarathne*
>>>>>>> Associate Technical Lead - QA
>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc; http://www.wso2.com/
>>>>>>> Mobile; *+94772786766 <%2B94772786766>*
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>> --
>>>>> S.Uthaiyashankar
>>>>> VP Engineering
>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>> http://wso2.com/ - "lean . enterprise . middleware"
>>>>> Phone: +94 714897591
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>>>> --
>>>> Sameera Jayasoma,
>>>> Software Architect,
>>>> WSO2, Inc. (http://wso2.com)
>>>> email: same...@wso2.com
>>>> blog: http://blog.sameera.org
>>>> twitter: https://twitter.com/sameerajayasoma
>>>> flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sameera-jayasoma/collections
>>>> Mobile: 0094776364456
>>>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>>> --
>>> Sameera Jayasoma,
>>> Software Architect,
>>> WSO2, Inc. (http://wso2.com)
>>> email: same...@wso2.com
>>> blog: http://blog.sameera.org
>>> twitter: https://twitter.com/sameerajayasoma
>>> flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sameera-jayasoma/collections
>>> Mobile: 0094776364456
>>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
> --
> *Afkham Azeez*
> Director of Architecture; WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com
> Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://www.apache.org/
> * <http://www.apache.org/>*
> *email: **az...@wso2.com* <az...@wso2.com>
> * cell: +94 77 3320919 <%2B94%2077%203320919>blog: *
> *http://blog.afkham.org* <http://blog.afkham.org>
> *twitter: **http://twitter.com/afkham_azeez*
> <http://twitter.com/afkham_azeez>
> *linked-in: **http://lk.linkedin.com/in/afkhamazeez
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> *Lean . Enterprise . Middleware*
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