All the following in this implementation is completed.

   - Reading the api manager related configuration from a configuration file
   - Adding the thumbnail of the API. Currently having an issue when adding
   a thumbnail in the G-Reg 5.2.0 publisher [1]. This is however fixed in the
   G-Reg 5.3.0 (yet to be released)  As discussed in the meeting sending the
   permalink of the registry thumbnail resource (with anonymous
   permissions) we can take the thumbnail to API-M publisher.
   - The executor for the lifecycle state change. On API-M end also there's
   an issue in adding thumbnail from the REST API, for which PR is sent.
   - Add docs section to the rxt - docs can be added and deleted and it
   will sync with the API Manager. However, this is only limited to URL based
   docs. File system based docs are not added for same reasons I outlined
   earlier for custom sequence addition from file system. Inline docs would
   require UI level changes and is not possible in the rxt level.
   - Persist the consumer key and consumer secret obtained for G-Reg in
   - G-Reg publisher level customization like avoiding additions of the
   same context and adding placeholders. When the user types a duplicate
   context, user will get a warning as in the API-M publisher



- Test the implementation in a mounted G-Reg / API-M setup
- Do some validation on publisher UI level (such as restricting the user
from creation the API if a throttling tier is not selected)
- Documenting the configurations and deployment guide (As this is an

Apart from the above this implementation can be extended to support
following areas as per the discussion had with G-Reg team and was decided
to focus on later.

- Extend the implementation to support multiple API-M environments (This
will be an invaluable addition, since lot of customers look for this
- Ability to dynamically create the API artifact in the G-Reg as well as in
the API-M when a swagger doc is uploaded. Currently, G-Reg support swagger
doc additions, but what it created is a REST Service (which is a first
class asset type in the G-Reg), not the API artifact I have introduced in
this implementation. This is done with the current implementation of a
swagger media type handler. To create API instead of  the REST Service
artifact, someone can deactivate the existing custom handler and create a
new handler to create the API artifact by reading the swagger doc.

Shazni Nazeer
Mob : +94 777737331
LinkedIn :
Blog :

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 6:15 PM, Shazni Nazir <> wrote:

> yeah Nuwan. That's what the token regeneration part does.
> Shazni Nazeer
> Mob : +94 777737331
> LinkedIn :
> Blog :
> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 6:13 PM, Nuwan Bandara <> wrote:
>> ah got it, thanks. So I assume when a person is logged into the publisher
>> the API-M token is refreshed automatically if expired correct ?
>> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 8:38 AM, Shazni Nazir <> wrote:
>>> Hi NuwanB,
>>> ​We only need publisher integration right, so why are we doing token
>>>> generation as thats a store function ?​
>>> To use the new API-M REST API, you need token generation. Refer
>>> following documentation [1]
>>> [1]
>>> Shazni Nazeer
>>> Mob : +94 777737331
>>> LinkedIn :
>>> Blog :
>>> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 6:06 PM, Nuwan Bandara <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 8:27 AM, Shazni Nazir <> wrote:
>>>>> Last week had a meeting with G-Reg team (participants - Sagara,
>>>>> Chandana and SameeraM) and SanjeewaM from API-M to see the current work 
>>>>> and
>>>>> to get few thing clarified. Notes of the meeting can be found in the
>>>>> following [1]
>>>>> [1] Invitation: G-Reg extension for API-M integration design/current
>>>>> prog... @ Wed May 18, 2016 2pm - 3pm (
>>>>> Apart from that following are the the finished work and TODOs left
>>>>>    - Handler is almost complete. Have to add copy and delete handler
>>>>>    methods and do the consequent API-M operations
>>>>>    - Add more fields like, in, out and fault sequence.
>>>>>    - Request json payload creation for API creation - done. I
>>>>>    identified an issue in the API-M REST API where the scopes and
>>>>>    uri-templates are specified, those do not get added. The reason is
>>>>>    explained in the email [2] and the PR also sent to the git repo.
>>>>>    - Get the access and the refresh token using the API-M REST API
>>>>>    - Access token regeneration when token expires
>>>>> ​We only need publisher integration right, so why are we doing token
>>>> generation as thats a store function ?​
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    - Artifact attribute reading
>>>>>    - Provide rxt fields to read API Definition and populate the
>>>>>    payload according to that
>>>>>    - life-cycle configuration for the API lifecycle - Using the same
>>>>>    lifecycle as what API-M already have
>>>>> [2] [API-M] API Definition and scopes do not get added and updated
>>>>> when using new REST API
>>>>> TODO's
>>>>>    - Reading the api manager related configuration from a
>>>>>    configuration file
>>>>>    - Adding the thumbnail of the API. Currently having an issue when
>>>>>    adding a thumnail in the G-Reg publisher. I'm looking into it. In the
>>>>>    meeting we discussed a way to send the thumbnail URL in the API-M REST 
>>>>> API.
>>>>>    See the meeting notes on the decision.
>>>>>    - Develop the executor for the lifecycle state change
>>>>>    - Add docs section to the rxt
>>>>>    - Persist the consumer key and consumer secret obtained for G-Reg in
>>>>>    registry
>>>>>    - Do some G-Reg publisher level customization like avoiding
>>>>>    additions of the same context and adding placeholders
>>>>> Shazni Nazeer
>>>>> Mob : +94 777737331
>>>>> LinkedIn :
>>>>> Blog :
>>>>> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 10:45 AM, Shazni Nazir <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Since this component is developed as an extension, it can be deployed
>>>>>> as a jar to the repository/components/lib as a library. And other 
>>>>>> artifacts
>>>>>> like rxts can be added to G-Reg in runtime. With this setup I can test 
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> a standalone G-Reg 5.2.0 with a standalone API-M 1.10.0 without any 
>>>>>> hassle.
>>>>>> Currently as I develop this implementation, I do testing as it goes.
>>>>>> Shazni Nazeer
>>>>>> Mob : +94 777737331
>>>>>> LinkedIn :
>>>>>> Blog :
>>>>>> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 6:33 AM, Samisa Abeysinghe <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Great!
>>>>>>> How are we planning to test this implementation?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Samisa...
>>>>>>> Samisa Abeysinghe
>>>>>>> Vice President Delivery
>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>>> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 7:31 PM, Shazni Nazir <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yes Samisa, so far so good.
>>>>>>>> I'll also be having a review with NuwanB and G-Reg team by Thursday
>>>>>>>> to see if things are aligned.
>>>>>>>> On 16 May 2016 6:33 p.m., "Samisa Abeysinghe" <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Are we on track in terms of the time schedule to deliver this?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Samisa...
>>>>>>>> Samisa Abeysinghe
>>>>>>>> Vice President Delivery
>>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:45 PM, Shazni Nazir <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> Following is the current update of the G-Reg extension for API-M
>>>>>>>>> integration.
>>>>>>>>>    - API rxt - created, but additional fields needs to be added.
>>>>>>>>> Some fields like thumbnail, sequences for in, out, fault have few
>>>>>>>>> limitations on the rxt end. Pure rxt's doesn't support for file system
>>>>>>>>> browse. I'm also looking into publisher extension to see if this 
>>>>>>>>> could be
>>>>>>>>> added in publisher app end.
>>>>>>>>> Further, the API-M REST API [1] does provide the thumbnailUrl and
>>>>>>>>> sequence. Need to verify if this supports file based urls.
>>>>>>>>>    - Developed the skeleton handler code
>>>>>>>>>    - Developed the code to get consumer key and secret using the
>>>>>>>>>    API-M REST API
>>>>>>>>>    - Developed the code to get the access and the refresh token
>>>>>>>>>    using the API-M REST API
>>>>>>>>>    - Developing the artifact attribute reading logic - in progress
>>>>>>>>> TODO's
>>>>>>>>>    - Add missing fields to ext
>>>>>>>>>    - Reading the api manager related configuration from a
>>>>>>>>>    configuration file
>>>>>>>>>    - Provide rxt fields to read API Definition and populate the
>>>>>>>>>    payload according to that
>>>>>>>>>    - Develop the request json payload creation for API creation -
>>>>>>>>>    in progress
>>>>>>>>>    - Develop the access token regeneration when token expires
>>>>>>>>>    - Develop the life-cycle configuration for the API lifecycle
>>>>>>>>>    - Develop the executor for the lifecycle state change
>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>  regards,
>>>>>>>>> Shazni Nazeer
>>>>>>>>> Mob : +94 777737331
>>>>>>>>> LinkedIn :
>>>>>>>>> Blog :
>>>> --
>>>> *Thanks & Regards,*
>>>> *Nuwan Bandara | Solutions Architect,  WSO2 Inc.*
>>>> *+1 812 606 7390 <%2B1%20812%20606%207390> | +1 650 745 2169 Ext 4212
>>>> <%2B1%20650%20745%202169%20Ext%204212> |
>>>> <> *
>>>> <>
>> --
>> *Thanks & Regards,*
>> *Nuwan Bandara | Solutions Architect,  WSO2 Inc.*
>> *+1 812 606 7390 <%2B1%20812%20606%207390> | +1 650 745 2169 Ext 4212
>> <%2B1%20650%20745%202169%20Ext%204212> |
>> <> *
>> <>
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