
1. Mysql connector needs to copy each and every product.  Anyhow, in cloud
>> puppet modules we used to place it in wso2base module.
>> ​Yes, we need to fix this. @Rasanjaya: Would you mind contributing?

Puppet file bucket integration and AWS S3 integration are in the road map.
We couldn't look into this due to other priorities.

> ​
>> 2. A Pupppetmaster host entry gets deleted in /etc/hosts file once we run
>> the puppet in agent nodes. [Added this IP into hiera common.yaml, due to
>> resolve the master's IP]
>> ​@Akila: Any thoughts on this?

Yes, this was a known issue. I've fixed it in [1]. This won't affect Docker
scenario since we are adding host mappings only in VM scenario. I've used
"host" Puppet resource type [2] so that it won't be platform dependent.
This can be used with Max, Win etc.

> ​
>> 3. Each and every time the config file change [Ex: axis2.xml] product
>> gets deleted and start with the fresh configuration.
> ​Agree! It should not start from the beginning for a configuration change.

Yes, this needs to be fixed. I'll follow up on this as well.

>> 4. In clustering, Is there any reason to use the  sub_domain
>> [Ex:sub_domain: worker]? In cloud we are not using this anymore.  This used
>> to identify the manager, worker separation in previous Stratos and now this
>> will treat through the URL and LB [AWS LB or Nginx]. So then we can specify
>> this configuration in default.yaml in the relevant product.  No need to
>> reiterate again and again.
>> A good point! Will remove the sub-domain property from Hiera and template
> files.

+1 for removing this from template. But are we sure this property is not
used in any scenario?

[2] https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/latest/reference/types/host.html

Akila Ravihansa Perera
WSO2 Inc.;  http://wso2.com/

Blog: http://ravihansa3000.blogspot.com
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