WSO2 Dashboard Server 2.1.0-Alpha Released!

WSO2 Dashboard Server team is pleased to announce the release of WSO2
Dashboard Server 2.1.0 Alpha. This release comes with the following bug
fixes, improvements and tasks. You can download the distribution from [1]
and view the documentation at [2].

   - [UES-990 <>] - All the query
   params get appended to the url when navigating via hierarchical menu
   - [UES-1016 <>] - Tenant ID is
   always super tenant ID in Gadget Generation Wizard
   - [UES-1018 <>] - DS Console
   differs from the WSO2 theme
   - [UES-1022 <>] - Product version
   in footer is incorrect
   - [UES-1023 <>] - Create view menu
   rendered incorrectly
   - [UES-1028 <>] - Creating gadgets
   in third-party store - Thumbnail image does not show


   - [UES-970 <>] - Add download
   functionality to gadgets listed
   - [UES-995 <>] - Having a landing
   page for a dashboard is optional
   - [UES-1003 <>] - Modify the ES
   extension to not allow the assets to be editable in published asset
   - [UES-1010 <>] - Add shindig
   features to get the hostName,port and tenant domain
   - [UES-1012 <>] - Store the theme
   level properties to dashboard.json and retrieve these theme properties
   while rendering the page
   - [UES-1014 <>] - Add new
   gadget/layout button at the end of the gadget listing and layout listings
   when user designs dashboard
   - [UES-1015 <>] - Dashboard page
   loading icon for embeddable gadget feature


   - [UES-1005 <>] - Provide common
   repository for js libraries to use in gadgets
   - [UES-1006 <>] - Dashboard page
   loading icon to show after all gadgets are loaded
   - [UES-1007 <>] - Fixed the issue
   in PDF download feature in firefox browser
   - [UES-1008 <>] - Fixing issues in
   running the dashboard server with samples
   - [UES-1029 <>] - Create Puppet
   script for Dashboard Server Auto Deployment

Reporting Issues

Issues can be reported through the Public JIRA
<> project for WSO2 Dashboard Server.




Dashboard Server Team.

Megala Uthayakumar

Software Engineer
Mobile : 0779967122
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