After having a offline discussion with Johann, decided to go with a custom
grant type approach by extending the saml grant type impl.

*Ayyoob Hamza*
*Software Engineer*
WSO2 Inc.;
email: cell: +94 77 1681010 <%2B94%2077%207779495>

On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 9:45 AM, Ayyoob Hamza <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> This is an update to provide more context to the problem.
> Currently in IoT Server we have device type apis for each tenants that are
> exposed through api manager. In order to access it we create an AM
> Application and then we subscribe to the tenants apis. This works fine when
> we use the password grant type.
> Now when we tried to integrate with sso, we login to the service provider
> (configured for sso with SAAS enabled) and it generates saml token that is
> signed with super tenants key store. Then we use this saml token along with
> the tenants specific app to generate oauth token. In this case it tries to
> verify the signature using the tenants key store and it fails.
> After having a offline discussion with Farasath, figured that there could
> be two possible solution:
> 1) create an IDP with super tenants public cert for each tenant. The
> problem in this is if we are to update the key store of super tenants then
> we have to update the IDP of all the tenants.
> 2) Create a custom grant type that verifies using super tenants key store.
> the downside is to maintain a separate grant type handler.
> Is it okay to create a custom grant type or is there any solutions for
> this ?.
> Thanks,
> Ayyoob
> *Ayyoob Hamza*
> *Software Engineer*
> WSO2 Inc.;
> email: cell: +94 77 1681010 <%2B94%2077%207779495>
> On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 9:53 PM, Ayyoob Hamza <> wrote:
>> Is the service provider created in super tenant and the rest of tenants
>>> access it as a SaaS app?
>> Yes.
>>> Also what is oauth component version used in IoT server?
>> 5.1.2
>> Is there any solution other than writing a custom grant type for this
>> since in the current grant type implementation it looks up for the IDP in
>> the tenant space
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