Hi all,
I am a developer with the Apache Axis2 project. Some of you might already know that we are using XMLBeans to do our data binding and the integration with XMLBeans has been quite successful despite several problems . I am working mostly on the tooling part these days and would appreciate a pointer/suggestion to some of these issues I've come across when dealing with XMLBeans. After all my expertise is mainly in Web Services :).
Ok here goes
1. The core tool that has XMLBeans integrated works fine. However when I put the tool as an Eclipse plugin, it seizes to work. in more accurate terms it throws out an Exception saying 'The 0th supplied input is not a schema document: its type is N='. I've made sure that a DOM element representing the schema is passed onto XMLBeans. The funny thing is the code works fine when invoked outside Eclipse.
2. Since Axis2 is based on StAX, we have a heavy dependency on the XML Stream reader. However the returned XML Stream reader has it's initial pointer to START_ELEMENT not START_DOCUMENT. Our builder code expects a START_DOCUMENT event initially. We've overcome the problem with a wrapper but it's not really elegant in terms of code. Was the placement of the initial pointer done deliberately for a reason ?

Guess thats all for now. Any pointer or a helpful hint is appreciated

Ajith Ranabahu

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