Hi ,

website task failed for me :

I/O error : Attempt to load network entity 
warning: failed to load external entity 
compilation error: file src/docs/website/xsl/chunked.xsl line 29 element import
xsl:import : unable to load 
:org.qi4j.manual:website FAILED

when I removed --nonet switch from xsltproc command ( Documentation.groovy) 
it passed.

Here is result detailed error msg:

Successfully started process 'command 'asciidoc''
Starting process 'command 'xsltproc''. Working directory: 
/Users/tibor/temp/zest/zest-qi4j/manual Command: xsltproc --nonet --noout 
--output build/docs/website/ src/docs/website/xsl/chunked.xsl 
Successfully started process 'command 'xsltproc''
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity 
warning: failed to load external entity 
compilation error: file src/docs/website/xsl/chunked.xsl line 29 element import
xsl:import : unable to load 
:org.qi4j.manual:website FAILED
:org.qi4j.manual:website (Thread[main,5,main]) completed. Took 19.809 secs.



On Jul 23, 2015, at 1:51 PM, Paul Merlin <p...@nosphere.org> wrote:

> Gang,
> I think we are almost ready to cut a first Apache release.
> Before going down the Apache release way, I'd like to get some
> preliminary review of the Apache Zest distributions. We won't do this
> for future releases but I think it's worthwile doing it before the first
> one.
> So, please checkout the `develop` branch and:
> ./gradlew -Dversion=2.1-RC0 assemble -x signArchives
> Then check the Source and Binary Distributions in build/distributions/
> Passing a non-0 and non-SNAPSHOT version to the build is mandatory so
> that ReleaseSpecification is applied to the distributions and to the
> generated manual.
> Please use a recent JDK 7 and note that you'll need a valid Asciidoc
> installation to build the manual. If you want to skip this last step,
> add `-PskipAsciidocIfAbsent=true` to the build command line. The manual will 
> then be missing from the Binary Distribution.
> Here are some checks to do:
> - inclusion of releasable modules only
> - licensing issues (see http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html)
> - build from the source distribution, see README
> - manual in the binary distribution
> - goOffline helpers in the binary distribution
> - use jars from the binary distribution
> Thanks in advance for your feedback!
> Cheers
> /Paul

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