See my comments I just sent to Flavio. I agree, if we go with
something like maven we should be able to have a source only release
artifact, plus a number of binary artifacts (push to maven, a separate
binary artifact, etc...). I've proposed maven in the past, but not
gotten much interest. Now that addl people are participating in the RM
task there may be renewed interest. ;-)


On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 4:55 AM, Thomas Koch <> wrote:
> Flavio Junqueira:
>> The problem is that there is a path "zookeeper-3.3.3/contrib/
>> bookkeeper" containing build.xml and source code. If you try to run
>> from there, it will fail. I'm actually wondering why we have the
>> source code both under contrib/ and under src/contrib/. The folder
>> structure under contrib/ is different and it does look like it is not
>> supposed to compile (hence my confusion), and I wonder why we need it
>> in the release.
>> -Flavio
> The code dupliation of contrib and src/contrib is one of the annoyances when
> packaging ZooKeeper for Debian. You'd really do me a favor if you'd release a
> tarball without this duplication.
> (The biggest annoyance is the shipment of binary .jar files in every java
> project, not only ZooKeeper. - But things are getting better slowly with
> maven.)
> Best regards,
> Thomas Koch,

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