Agreed. I would however like to have access to a share 10.6 testing device; 
smew is useless to us on 10.5. 


On May 16, 2012, at 12:34 PM, Colin Barrett <> wrote:

> Not up to date on what y'all have tried but switching to 10.6 seems like an 
> absolute last resort. I mean, 10.8 will come out one day, and Xcode 3 isn't 
> going to be viable to build 10.7/10.8 apps. Gotta figure this stuff out at 
> some point, eh?
> -Colin (via thumbs)
> On May 16, 2012, at 8:44 AM, Thijs Alkemade <> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> The dependencies for Adium 1.5.1b1 were pretty screwed up. IRC was
>> broken because of what I can only pin down to not doing a clean build,
>> libintl apparently has a problem with building for 10.6 on 10.7 with
>> Xcode 4.3 [1].
>> In short, it is pretty much required to do a full clean build every
>> time and it seems every new release of Xcode breaks something else. I
>> think it would be a lot safer to go back to Xcode 3 on 10.6.8 (as long
>> as 10.6.8 is our target), so we always have the same compiler and
>> SDKs. I have an old Macbook which is still on 10.6.8, but it's in
>> pretty bad shape. So I'd much rather have one of the build machines
>> build the dependencies, but that would need a machine with 10.6.8 (and
>> we now only have Smew on 10.5.8 and Muscovy on 10.7.4). Maybe this
>> will also make it easy to distribute the dSYMs.
>> Adrian says Smew can't be upgraded remotely. Is there another way?
>> Could someone visit the datacenter? Can we ask NetworkRedux?
>> Regards,
>> Thijs
>> [1]
>> On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 6:30 PM, Adrian Godoroja <> wrote:
>>> Unfortunately i didn't find any way of install Snow Leopard remotely.
>>> - Adrian.
>>> On Apr 06, 2012, at 17:26, Adrian Godoroja wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> does anybody has around a licensed Snow Leopard disc?
>>> I'd appreciate if somebody could copy a SL dmg to the Muscovy, so i can try
>>> and install it on Smew.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Adrian.
>>> On Apr 06, 2012, at 14:57, Evan D. Schoenberg, M.D. wrote:
>>> Go for it on both counts!  Upgrade was completed successfully.
>>> Best,
>>> Evan
>>> On Friday, April 6, 2012 at 3:58 AM, Adrian Godoroja wrote:
>>> Hi Evan,
>>> thats great news. Will you also update Xcode, etc. or can i take care of the
>>> rest of the stuff?
>>> Also, are there any plans to update Smew to 10.6?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Adrian.
>>> On Apr 06, 2012, at 00:49, Evan D. Schoenberg, M.D. wrote:
>>> I'm running an unattended installation to update muscovy to 10.7. The
>>> machine will be down for an hour or so while that does its thing.
>>> -Evan

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