Hi all,

> Did you check if the problem still occurs when you comment fakesmsc group
> entries ? I noticed that bearerbox crashes with cgi-bin/status on Redhat 6.2
> with the last CVS version abd only when you add fakesmsc group.

There is no fakesmsc group in the config file. There is definitly
nothing unusual within the config file. We use a simple emi2 smsc

Both boxes (smsbox and bearerbox) crash after they write these log


2001-10-08 10:51:58 [4] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2001-10-08 10:51:58 [4] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [7] DEBUG: emi2 sending packet:
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [7] DEBUG: Got packet from the main socket
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [7] DEBUG: emi2 parsing packet:
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [7] PANIC: gwlib/octstr.c:2032: seems_valid_real:
Assertion `ostr != NULL' failed. (Called from


2001-10-08 10:52:40 [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request
</cgi-bin/sendsms> from <>
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [3] INFO: sendsms used by <foo>
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [3] INFO: sendsms sender:<foo:wapme.net>
( to:<491735333216> msg:<test>
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [3] DEBUG: Status: 202 Answer: <Sent.>
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] INFO: Connection closed by the bearerbox
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] INFO: Received (and handled?) 0 requests in 45
seconds (0.00 per second)
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] INFO: Kannel smsbox terminating.
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [6] DEBUG: Thread 6
(gw/heartbeat.c:heartbeat_thread) terminates.
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Waiting for 2
(gwlib/http.c:server_thread) to terminate
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [3] DEBUG: HTTP: No clients with requests,
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [3] DEBUG: Thread 3 (gw/smsbox.c:sendsms_thread)
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [2] DEBUG: Thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread)
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [1] WARNING: Destroying fdset with 1 active
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Waiting for 4
(gw/smsbox.c:obey_request_thread) to terminate
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [4] DEBUG: Thread 4
(gw/smsbox.c:obey_request_thread) terminates.
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [5] DEBUG: Thread 5
(gw/smsbox.c:url_result_thread) terminates.
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Immutable octet strings: 176.
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Current allocations: 12 areas, 732
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Highest number of allocations: 1257
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Highest memory usage: 60404 bytes
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x10032110, size 12, max_size 12
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by mutex_create_real at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Claimed by conn_wrap_fd at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   f0 81 3f 00 ff ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x10014670, size 113, max_size 113
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by octstr_grow at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   00 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31 20 32 30 32
20 46 6f 6f 
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x100321b0, size 16, max_size 16
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by
octstr_create_from_data_real at gwlib/octstr.c:170
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Claimed by octstr_format_valist at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   d0 22 03 10 0c 00 00 00 0d 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x1002e0f8, size 16, max_size 16
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by
octstr_create_from_data_real at gwlib/octstr.c:170
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Claimed by init_smsbox at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   30 e1 02 10 0d 00 00 00 0e 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x10032558, size 32, max_size 32
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by client_create at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   d5 32 00 00 78 20 03 10 b0 21 03 10
00 00 00 00 
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x1002e130, size 14, max_size 14
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by
octstr_create_from_data_real at gwlib/octstr.c:178
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 20 2b
2d 00 
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x10032078, size 68, max_size 68
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by conn_wrap_fd at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   e0 20 03 10 10 21 03 10 00 00 00 00
be ba fe ca 
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x100322d0, size 13, max_size 32
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by octstr_grow at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Re-allocated by octstr_grow at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   32 31 33 2e 37 30 2e 33 39 2e 33 36
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x10032140, size 16, max_size 16
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by
octstr_create_from_data_real at gwlib/octstr.c:170
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Claimed by conn_wrap_fd at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   70 46 01 10 00 00 00 00 71 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x10032718, size 404, max_size 404
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by octstr_grow at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   47 45 54 20 2f 63 67 69 2d 62 69 6e
2f 73 65 6e 
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x100320e0, size 12, max_size 12
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by mutex_create_real at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Claimed by conn_wrap_fd at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   c8 81 3f 00 ff ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Area 0x10032178, size 16, max_size 16
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Allocated by
octstr_create_from_data_real at gwlib/octstr.c:170
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Claimed by conn_wrap_fd at
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG: Contents of area (first 16 bytes):
2001-10-08 10:52:40 [0] DEBUG:   18 27 03 10 93 01 00 00 94 01 00 00
00 00 00 00 

if I change smsc_emi2.c at line 696 as follows:

        ts = octstr_duplicate(emimsg->fields[2]);
        if (ts) 
                i = octstr_search_char(ts,':',0);
        else i = 0;
        if (i>0)

then there is no problem.


Wapme Systems AG

Münsterstr. 248
40470 Düsseldorf

Tel: +49-211-74845-0
Fax: +49-211-74845-299

Internet: http://www.wapme-systems.de
wapme.net - wherever you are

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