
this is not the kannel problem! Your smsc sned wrong pdu:
please look smpp v.3.4 issue 1.2 site 61...
short_message field is Octet-String and not C-Octet-String.
Your smsc is just buggy ;)

Am Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2003 16:00 schrieb Stipe Tolj:
> Alex Judd wrote:
> > We're working with a SMPP 3.4 server that validly (according to the 3.4
> > specs) terminates the C-Octet Strings it sends us with a NULL character.
> > This currently isn't handled directly by Kannel and ends up as an extra
> > character on the message content.
> >
> > For example a message of AAA, length 3, now arrives at Kannel as AAA@,
> > length 4 [which is obviously wrong]
> >
> > I've made a short term workaround to remove the character by using the
> > octstr_strip_nonalphanums on the msg-sms.msgdata however I'm interested
> > in whether everyone thinks Kannel should strip off this null character
> > (like I do) or whether this should occur at application level?
> >
> > If it's Kannel I'll submit a proper patch
> hmm, so someone is not acting spec conform, either Kannel or they?!
> Stipe
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Alexander Malysh

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