On Tue, 19 Jan 2010, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> After some talk on IRC yesterday, skvidal is the person doing work on this
> at them moment.  His plan is to implement tests that try to tell if
> individual packages are maintained and get people to orphan those that are
> not.  Here's his general plan for what to test:
> """
> 1. all the pkgs which have no devel checkins in > 365 days
>    1a, if the only checkins they have correspond to a massrebuild date
>        - then they still get counted as potentially abandoned
> 2. all the pkgs which have no builds, other than mass rebuilds in > 365
>    days then take that set of pkgs and if it is a LARGE number of pkgs
>    - then intersect that with pkgs which have bugs open to reduce the set
>    a bit b/c open bugs AND not looked at == problems for fedora
> """
> We discussed whether to do reporting from this via bugzilla or another tool
> and I'm leaning towards another tool so it's easy for a maintainer to look
> through and a list of packages and check which ones they still care about.
> skvidal would like to get the tests working first to see if we're talking
> about a huge number of packages or only a few.

I'm going to try and generate a couple of lists today if I can get all my 
koji-foo working properly.


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