I always say one should not blame the system (OS, language, whatever) for
programming mistakes.

Unfortunately, Fedora has presently two programming languages with
missing features, and the user maybe completely unaware of this.

The first one is python. The GUI provided with python is called tkinter,
which is based on tk, which, in turn, is based on tcl. Since threads are
disabled in Fedora's tcl,
as a consequence, one cannot use python+tkinter+threads.

I believe there are hundreds of computer courses, based on python, around
the world.
But maybe threads are a minor subject, and can be just forgotten ...


I am not saying the points raised in the above link are not important, but
the solution is pretty obvious to me.

The second language is called Lazarus, a clone of the indefectible* *Delphi.
Lazarus is based on fpc (Free Pascal), and for a long time, Firebird was the
only database
which could be used reliably via Lazarus components. In Fedora 10, finally,
mysql 5.0 started
to work via components, but this is no longer true in Fedora 12, which ships
mysql 5.1:

Fortunately, the fix is easy:


Database components are the only reason one would like to use an old
environment, such as Lazarus, in my opinion.

I hope someone can address these issues, which certainly affect a lot of


Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
devel mailing list

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