> How far away do we appear to be from having an installable rawhide?

I have created a Fedora 13 x86_64 install DVD from today's rawhide
(Sat.Jan.30), installed it onto a vanilla clone box, and it runs for me.
The installation process clobbered the Master Boot Record even though
I asked it not to.  Using the install DVD as a Rescue disk aborted
with a Python error before presenting a shell.  I used a Fedora 11
install DVD as a Rescue disk to restore GRUB via /sbin/grub-install.
After that, the new partition with Fedora 13 rawhide boots and runs
firstboot.  AFter that, I connected to the 'net using Firefox 3.6.

If anybody really wants a copy of the DVD, and agrees to waive
my obligation under the GPL to distribute corresponding source,
then send me private email and I will send a pathname.

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