On Tue, 2010-02-02 at 13:15 -0600, Adam Miller wrote:
> Your example doesn't work, Xubuntu is still bound to the package set
> in the Ubuntu repositories in the same sense that the Xfce Spin is
> bound to the package set in the Fedora repositories. The difference is
> that we understand that the Xfce Spin isn't a fork and shouldn't be
> presented as a completely separate project. 

This only works if your special interest groups are completely
segregated, and that they agree on how the shared packages work.  But
what if you don't?  What if the Desktop (gnome) set wants the newest
versions of PolicyKit, of NetworkManager, of DeviceKit, etc..  but the
KDE group doesn't have any software that works with those, and instead
wants the older versions they do have software to work with.  How do you
resolve this conflict of interest?  Who wins?

Once the differences within the special interest groups moves beyond
just different subsets of packages, and actually starts to focus on the
behavior of the shared packages things break down.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating

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