Le 25/02/2010 05:32, Kevin Kofler a écrit :
> PS:
> Running application X built against Qt 4.5.x with Qt 4.6.x SHOULD work.
> Running application X built against Qt 4.6.x with Qt 4.5.x WILL NOT work 
> (and this is why pushing apps built against a new Qt to stable BEFORE that 
> Qt gets pushed to stable is a bad idea, but rebuilding appliations for the 
> new Qt is normally NOT needed).
> This is known as one-way (backwards only) compatibility, and quite common.
> That said, some applications do need to be rebuilt due to backwards 
> compatibility issues, or get more features when rebuilt against a newer Qt. 
> But as you did not include a Bugzilla reference nor any other form of 
> rationale, I can't figure out why you rebuilt this particular application.
>         Kevin Kofler

I experienced few network hangs-up using Scythia/Qt 4.6.x, recompiling
seemed to solve them. Since Qt 4.6.x wasn't in package collection yet,
there was no ticket in RHBZ.
Thanks for reporting about the F-13 build, that's an oversight.

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