Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Even bugfix releases of KDE require a session restart to fully work.

I consider that a serious design flaw in KDE and a strong argument against 
releasing any KDE updates to stable releases other than fixes for serious bugs. 
The only practical way to keep up with the Fedora update firehose is to update 
every day and let the update run in the background while I'm working. If I put 
it off until I'm about to turn the computer off, then the updates will 
accumulate and updating will take a long time when I finally do it. I might not 
have the time to sit around and wait for the update to finish so that I can 
turn the computer off, so I'll put it off again, and when the next opportunity 
comes the list of updates will have grown even more. That's a vicious circle I 
don't want to get into.

Björn Persson

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