On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 17:16 +0100, Thomas Janssen wrote:
> Erm, dont take it personally please, but, have you ever used a
> different distro? One example is openSUSE (yes, i use it on some boxen
> here) does exactly that. What's with Debian stable? And i bet even
> ubuntu is like that.

Neither OpenSUSE nor Ubuntu are as quick to pick up new technologies and
run with them into a stable release.  Quite often they pick things
up /after/ Fedora has done a release with them and worked through all
the hard problems.  They are also slower to release, and don't provide
nearly as much opportunity to participate in the development of the
operating system as Fedora does.

> So where is that unique role? Except you mean the exact 6 month
> release cycle. But who cares about that.

See above.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating

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