On 03/05/2010 03:55 PM, Thomas Janssen wrote:
> I read about regressions all the time in KDE releases, over and over
> again. What's a regression you Rahul have faced and can you provide a
> BZ as well?
A while back a kde update caused kmail to stop working on imap accounts
and I dont use the DE in Fedora anymore because I wanted to avoid such
problems with big updates and while I don't have the bz number for that
problem handy it would easy enough to find if you are interested and
every big push has repeatedly brought out similar problems

> Another thing, since you throw that links about
> package_update_guidelines around, some maintainers should also check
> what software is my software built against and dont push broken
> software without testing to stable because of that "mistake" ;)
This is seriously petty and I would point out that messing around with
the buildroot as part of the big kde update is what caused the problem
in the first place and yes I was told that future announcement would add
more clarity and the sig would avoid buildroot overrides for future updates

> Just to remind anyone, if you forgot, or dont know what Fedora stands
> for IN REAL LIFE, you might go out and check it. It stands exactly for
> what you terribly fight against.

You seem to assume that other people dont talk to Fedora users and that
is wrong and I still differ from your position

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