Toshio Kuratomi ( said: 
> > If we are going down the road of providing absolute-latest-versions on
> > older releases, perhaps not pushing it to prior releases until it's
> > actually been in wide use on the next release? So, you have, for example:
> > 
> > - new version 4.6
> > -> push it to rawhide, get testing
> > -> get new Fedora release with that version
> > --> get *even more testing*, make needed fixes
> > 
> > And only *then* do you push it to the prior releases, once it's actually
> > proven that it's not going to break things for the widest group of users.
> > It lets you not only use the rawhide adopters, who expect major change,
> > but the next-release early adopters, who also expect adjustments on moving
> > to a next major release.
> > 
> There's multiple ways this could look since we have multiple repos.  Does
> this look like you are imagining?
> 1) Build for rawhide, F-14, F-13
> 2) Push to updates-testing on F-14 and F-13
> 2.1) Testing period.  If bugs are found and fixed go back to (1)
> 3) Push F-14 to updates/release
> 3.1) Testing period.  If bugs are found and fixed go back to (1)
> 4) Push to F-13 updates.

Something like that, yes. The idea is that before it goes out to a prior
release, we make sure it's been proven with some level of stability on
a new release first.

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