On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 01:22:35PM -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Additionally, I have some RFE's too. ;) 
> - Could you add a 'q' for quit or something. Or at least not catch
>   control-c? If I am in the middle of doing something and need to
>   reboot or wander off, I would perfer to be able to just stop. 

Uh, I catching CTRL-C is not intended, I'll look into this the next
days. But you can use CTRL-D to quit.

> - Perhaps also a 'n' and 'p' for next and previous ? If I am looking at
>   them quickly, I sometimes hit a return when I should have stopped and
>   tested something. The only way to go back is to get to the end and
>   restart and find the update I passed. 

Yes, this is annoying, I'll add this to TODO. In the meantime: In the
git repo there is a version that accepts patterns to select an update,
so you can just append the full name (no v-r) of a build to select only
it or use shell pattern, e.g. gstreamer\* to only get updates that
include a build or rpm matching this patterin.

> - Perhaps add a "(FEK)" or something to the comments? It would then be
>   more obvious how many people are using this tool? 

The git version will set it's own http user agent so people with access
to the server logs can create some usage statistics. But I could also
add this, if nobody objects.


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