On Fri, 2010-03-12 at 20:51 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Eric Sandeen wrote:
> > Be sure to let our friends in developing countries know that to make
> > Fedora's life easier, they'd better get their infrastructure updated
> > pronto?
> Developing countries need to, well, DEVELOP their infrastructure. In the 
> meantime, there are plenty of distributions with fewer updates the people 
> unlucky enough to be stuck with such outdated infrastructure can use. We 
> shouldn't let the whole world be restricted by limitations of 80s or 90s 
> infrastructure out of some misguided principle of inclusiveness or, worse, 
> political correctness. There needs to be SOME distribution targeted at 
> modern infrastructure, using the possibilities modern technology allows, and 
> Fedora is a good candidate, due to our history and objectives. The only 
> long-term solution to the problem is for those people to get access to 
> contemporary technologies anyway. If you really want to help these people, 
> you need to contribute to efforts to upgrade their technology, e.g. through 
> monetary donations, participation in infrastructure projects etc. Turning 
> Fedora into a conservative distribution is only a misguided attempt at 
> curing the symptoms, it does nothing to solve the true problem.

So until we get faster Internet, forget about us?  You're awfully quick
to write off a huge part of the world so that Fedora can match *your*
vision for it.

Thanks for the party, I'll see myself out.


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