On 2010-04-26 21:54:13,"Thomas Janssen" <thom...@fedoraproject.org>  wrote:
>Ah, no thanks. I have packages without a co-maintainer and i don't
>want anyone be able to fiddle with it. May the package or fix be
>trivial or not. I prefer to have a provenpackager for that.

This could be done with a  QA page which compares upstream version and rawhide 
version. A trival package(like former fedora extras) without a co-maintainer 
which lags for more than 3 months  should be editable for all others.
We can also leave a choice like "packager group members can commit" like 
"provenpackager group members can commit". This may benifit fedora a lot to be 
a bleed-edge OS.
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