On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 10:30 +0200, H. Guémar wrote:
> >  It is not part of a default package set.
> Even if it were, blocking bugfixes in order to reduce updates size is
> nothing but stupid.

 It wasn't bugfixes, it was a new upstream release, and yes size does
matter. All mirrors, public and private, now have 300MB of worthless
bits in their 13 release (and it's not even released yet). And this for
something that hasn't been updated throughout the life of F-12.
 It again goes to the point of "why bother making releases at all", if
they mean so little. And, trying to be less grumpy, maybe moving some
packages to "rawhide only" style of repos. would make everyone happy (we
could even call it extras :).

> We have presto/deltarpm for that (since these packages mostly contain
> unchanged binary data like images, it should work pretty well).

 Within Fedora deltarpms have a limit of applying only to rpms less than
100MB, so there are no deltarpms. Anyone who wants to blame rel-eng for
that is free to fix the delarpm code, or give money to rel-eng to buy

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