On Fri, 2010-06-11 at 12:46 -0700, Ryan Rix wrote:
> How will this affect current packagers' workflow? Will the changes necessary 
> be documented on the wiki? It doesn't seem straight off the bat that this 
> would be a drop-in replacement without packagers needing to tweak their 
> workflow.

Packager workflow will indeed be affected.  First and foremost they will
need to make use of 'fedpkg'.  Fedpkg is replacing the Make system, and
adding a few things on top of it.  Today to check out a package and
build it for rawhide you'd essentially do:

cvs <junk here> checkout <module>

cd <module>/devel/

edit junk

cvs add/commit

make tag

make build

With dist-git it's slightly different:

fedpkg clone <module>

cd <module>

edit junk

fedpkg commit  (this target is missing right now, alternatively "git

fedpkg build

We've kept the target names the same, so "make foo" largely becomes
"fedpkg foo".  But since fedpkg can take options for the targets much
easier than make can, some targets grew options, like "fedpkg build
--scratch"  which essentially does "fedpkg scratch-build".  Also, where
with the Make system we'd have to pass arguments as env variables (make
new-sources FILES=blah..) we can do it as arguments: fedpkg new-sources
file1 <file2> <file3>.

We also are able to put in a better help system, so that fedpkg --help
and fedpkg <target> --help provide better help to end users trying to
get things done.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating

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