On Tue, 2016-05-31 at 18:54 +0200, Göran Uddeborg wrote:
> Hello!
> I would like to ask for some help what to do with
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1324881  I've been
> pondering it for some time, but I know too little to know what to do.
> It's about the old amusement xpenguins.  (A program showing small
> penguins walking on the windows and jumping between them.)  As can be
> seen in the bug report, it doesn't show anything in e.g. Gnome.  From
> what I understand this is because Gnome doesn't show the actual X
> root
> window.  It has a second window covering the entire screen as
> background, and this window hides all the penguins.
> A first question is if this is indeed correct?
> If so, could anyone describe it in more technically correct terms.  I
> would like to write a warning about the issue in the description of
> the package.

I would suggest something like:

xpenguins works by drawing on the X root window. This is a cute hack
that might not have the desired effect in modern desktop environments
where the root window is not visible.

> But a problem is that "NotShowIn=GNOME;" doesn't seem to have any
> effect in the current Gnome version.  There is no menu to exclude
> xpenguins from, and when I try it seems just as available regardless
> of that setting.  As you may have guessed I'm not a regular Gnome
> user, but that is what I see when I test it.
> So a second question is if anyone has any advice on how to best
> handle
> this?  How to best make sure Gnome users don't get fooled to use a
> program that do not work in their environment.

How did you determine that NotShowIn=GNOME; doesn't have any effect?
It should work fine to hide xpenguins from the places where
applications are normally listed in GNOME (the shell overview and
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