So, I misunderstood this issue. (I'll blame the cold medicine)

In this case the problem is that arm images are made with
appliance-creator from appliance-tools. That in turn uses livecd-tools
(the old way we used to make live media but no longer do in favor of
livemedia-creator from lorax). 

So, to fix this we either need to:

* Change how we make arm images to something that uses dnf. 

* Fix appliance-creator to use livemedia-tools instead of livecd-tools. 

* Change how we do things in glibc. 

As a side note, I did create a bodhi-backend on Fedora 24 and pushed
fedora-25 updates-testing with it. It indeed seems to have recommends
in it now (can someone check?). But that doesn't help this case at
all, since appliance-creator doesn't do the right thing, and glibc
isn't even in updates-testing anyhow. 


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