Bastien Nocera wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> But KDE is actually much smarter and can handle any DPI, though you will
>> likely have to configure it manually, because as you explained, the
>> developers of the commonly used X drivers decided to be jerks and
>> deliberately report a bogus geometry.
> [Citation really needed]

Sorry, this is actually done in the XRandR code in the X server (though some 
drivers may be doing their own thing in addition):

> So Qt 5.6 supports non-integer scale factors with the exact same problems
> that made GTK+ developers not support it.

Trying to support it is the way to get it fixed. And users may prefer having 
the application using the correct sizes with some minor glitches to having 
huge or unreadably small fonts, icons, etc.

        Kevin Kofler
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