
> On Nov 23, 2016 8:11 AM, "Stephen John Smoogen" <smooge(a)gmail.com&gt; wrote:
> wrote:
> Can we leave tracker enabled but disable literally every miner?  AFAIK the

That is literally, overreacting. Of all tracker processes, only tracker-extract 
may be expected to open() potentially untrusted files, tracker-miner-fs merely 
opens private tracker files, and all basic filesystem data extraction is 
performed through the opendir/stat/inotify_add_watch syscalls, what is exactly 
insecure in there?

Sure, tracker-extract depends on "untrusted" 3rd party libraries, but there is 
nothing insecure in tracker design to consider its miners an inherent security 

> mandatory uses of tracker only care about filenames and don't need contents
> at all.

Not true, full-text search works over more than filenames.

> I would go even farther and argue that Fedora should not, by default, ever
> enable a miner that isn't running in *strict* seccomp mode.  If that means
> that cat pictures aren't identified as such, so be it.  And if it means
> that several Fedora releases go by with a less functional search, that's
> fine too.

*points to the written above*, you're talking about rendering entire 
applications useless based on... not exactly sure what.

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