On Wednesday, 30 November 2016 at 12:14, David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] wrote:
> I took over the maintenance of urw-fonts to update them to the latest
> version (ghostscript and other packages needs them). However, there are
> several problems in versioning of it, and I would like to discuss future
> steps for the package.
> The current problems:
> * we obtain the source archive from Artifex (aka upstream responsible for
> ghostscript), nowadays they are no longer using the X.Y.Z versioning
> system. Instead, they have created a separate git repository for it, and
> are doing "snapshot based" releases... Their latest release is:
> urw-base35-20160926.zip

Do you mean this location? http://downloads.ghostscript.com/public/fonts/

> * I asked them if they could go back to X.Y.Z versioning system, here's
> what Chris Liddell replied:
> "If you check the versions in the font files, you'll see why I switched to
> the release dates.
>  For several releases they never changed from 1.10, and with the latest
> release, they're back to 1.00.
>  Since this is how URW++ release them to us, there's not a huge amount we
> can do."

That makes sense.

> * and as you can see above, they also changed the name from 'urw-fonts' to
> 'urw-base35' because of this

I also found this:
and they're called urw-core35-fonts here. It might be wise to ask
upstream to clarify before choosing the new package name.

> As you can see, the versioning of urw-fonts is total mess right now, and I
> would like to bring back some order to it, but I don't want it to backfire
> on me because of how URW++ tends to version their fonts... Here's my
> proposed solution to this:
> - create a new package for urw-fonts which would obsolete the current
> urw-fonts
> - choose a similar name to the new package - 'urw-base35-fonts' or similar

Good idea, but see above.

> And either...
> 1) stick to URW++ based versioning - this would mean (at the moment)
> Version == 1.0 and adding snapshot == 20160926
>   (YYYYMMDD as described in
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Versioning#Snapshot_packages)

I'm not sure where your Version == 1.0 comes from. If they're versioned
only by date now, then you have two options. Use Version: 0 in the new
package in anticipation of upstream eventually reintroducing semantic
versioning. Or, Version: YYYYMMDD. Admittedly, the latter looks nicer
and upstream already said they'll stick to it.

> 2) or map the X.Y.Z versioning to YYYYMMDD from upstream - IOW - X == Year,
> Y == Month, Z == Day (based on the snapshot date in the name of the source
> archive)
> 3) or set the Version to some constant (35 for example) and just use the
> snapshot to distinguish between older and newer releases.

What does the number "35" mean here, anyway?

> I am affraid that I would pick option 1) it could pose problems in the
> future again, because there's not guarantee that URW++ will follow sane
> versioning. So, personally, I would choose 2) or 3).

If you worry about upstream versioning sanity, then stick with
Version: 0
and follow the snapshot versioning guidelines.

> There's also one more option, and that is to base the package on upstream's
> git repository and the snapshot scheme, because we would be using snapshot
> string in the package name anyway. And it would also solve one more issue
> that upstream is not shipping license files in the archive. (I have already
> contacted to correct this.)

The exact location of the source doesn't matter too much as long as it's
official and pristine. I agree it might be better to use the git repo
directly since it contains both the licence indication and its full

I hope the above helps. You might want to review the current font
packaging guidelines as well:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:FontsPolicy .

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