Option 2 sounds really nice! For Option 1 I do not like the freeze for an already released version. This makes small (non security) fixes more complicated due to required freeze exceptions etc.

On 12/08/2016 03:17 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
Trying to make this idea a little more concrete. Here's two suggestions
for how it might work. These are strawman ideas -- please provide
alternates, poke holes, etc. And particularly from a QA and rel-eng
point of view. Both of these are not taking modularity into account in
any way; it's "how we could do this with our current distro-building

Option 1: Big batched update

   1. Release F26 according to schedule

   2. At the beginning of October, stop pushing non-security updates
      from updates-testing to updates

   3. Bigger updates (desktop environment refreshes, etc.) allowed into
      updates-testing at this time.

   4. Mid-October, freeze exceptions for getting into updates-testing

   5. Test all of that together in Some Handwavy Way for serious
      problems and regressions.

   6. Once all good, push from updates-testing to updates at end of
      October or beginning of November.

Option 2: Branching!

   1. Release F26 according to schedule.

   2. July/August: branch F26.1 from F26 (not rawhide)

   3. Updates to F26 also go into F26.1 (magic happens here?)

   4. No Alpha, but do "Beta" freeze and validation as normal for

   5. And same for F26.1 final

   6. And sometime in October/November, release that (but without big
      press push).

   7. GNOME Software presents F26.1 as upgrade option

   8. F26 continues in parallel through December

   9. In January, update added to F26 which activates the F26.1 repo.

  10. And also in January updates stop going to F26.

Some of this idea, by the way, is reminiscent of Spot's suggestions at
FUDCon Lawrence in 2013. This is not completely coincidence - I always
liked those ideas!

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