----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kevin Kofler" <kevin.kof...@chello.at>
> To: devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2017 11:06:36 PM
> Subject: Re: The glvnd + mesa update for F25
> Hans de Goede wrote:
> > First the what: ever since AMD and NVIDIA started shipping
> > their own Linux drivers we have had multiple competing
> > implementations of libGL.so.1 (and friends) where the way
> > the linker works means that there can be only one.
> > This has made installing AMD or NVIDIA's drivers harder
> > then it has any rights to be and this has been hurting
> > out users, some of which want to use the vendor supplied
> > drivers. It often causes broken systems and makes
> > switching between drivers unnecessarily hard.
> Whoever wants to use proprietary blobs that do not make use of the driver
> infrastructure in the distribution is on their own. All the drivers we ship
> in Fedora use the Mesa libGL, so there is no need for any "dispatcher".

Sorry, the real world doesn't work this way. Since we have a goal for Fedora
Workstation to actually have users we want to try solve the problems our users
actually have rather than just pontificate to the five people who failed to 
the room quick enough.

> If only the time wasted on making this work had been spent on making Nouveau
> better instead…

Or in other words if people like yourself actually bothered contributing to
Nouveau instead of wasting their time other projects.

If you want Nouveau to be more widely used then the way to make that happen it
to work with us making Nouveau better. Bitching that the people already putting
a ton of resources into Nouveau are not putting even more resources into it 
is just coming across as a someone lacking any kind of self awareness, who
condemns others for failing to live up to a measurement he fails to living up
to himself.

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