> On 02/27/2017 10:32 AM, Martin Gansser wrote:
> This is an upstream makefile bug.  Preparing an installation tree should 
> not attempt to reload or restart system daemons.  In a mock chroot, this 
> does not work because typically, systemd is not running inside the chroot.
> Florian

The developer told me the following: ( 
https://projects.vdr-developer.org/issues/2476#note-3 )
If you are in normal environment, you get without a reload after systemd always 
messages that a reload still pending.
Is there a flag, for example, 'DO_NOT_RELOAD_INIT_SYSTEM', which is given for 
the build in an installation tree? Or how do you recognize that you are in an 
installation tree? Primarily, the "make install" is designed for live 
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