On Tue, 2010-07-20 at 17:32 -0500, Michael Cronenworth wrote:

> Here's one nice feature I'd like to see for a simple scenario of when 
> upstream releases a new stable version:
> 1. Edit the 'master' branch spec file.
> 2. git commit my change.
> 3. git rebase my F-* branches to master.
> 4. Submit my builds!

Uhm. Rebase, i.e. rewriting branch history, and requiring a "git push
-f" to force non-fast-forward merging of the public branches? Is that
really a good idea?

I would have presumed something like (using pseudo names for the

      F-13 --o-----m
      master ----O
      F-12 -o------m

if you are keeping F-12 and F-13 in sync or

      devel  ---O
      F-13   -----m
      F-12   -------m

if you are keeping all three branches devel, F-13, F-12 in sync.

A subsequent push (without -f) of the F-13 and F-12 (and devel in the
second case) branches and a build request would conclude the process.

BTW, while typing the above, I have noted that "master" or "devel" or
"f13" are quite easy to type, while "F-13" with capital letter and
hyphen is relatively complicated. Perhaps that could be an argument when
choosing branch names.

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