On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 3:25 PM, Michael Catanzaro
<mike.catanz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net> wrote:
>> On what grounds?  There is nothing in the Fedora guidelines that makes
>> package maintainers beholden to third-party (by definition, not part of
>> Fedora) repos.  There's nothing for FESCo to vote on, unless you are
>> going to propose that change.
> OK, I'll bite. The grounds are that FESCo has granted the WG full control
> over the Workstation product, and the kernel package is part of that
> product. Although I can't speak for the entire WG today, I would be fairly
> astounded if the WG were to choose to allow kernel updates to break Negativo
> users after having identified Negativo as a strategic priority and
> advertised it as supported. So if a kernel update goes out that breaks
> Negativo users, I would expect a policy to delay future kernel upgrades
> until Negativo has been tested and confirmed to be working. Since that would
> be controversial, someone would surely appeal to FESCo. Probably easier for
> everyone to take it straight to FESCo, right?
> But again, if there is already a technical solution (a fallback to noveau)
> in place and working, as I suspect (would be really nice if somebody could
> confirm that!) then it doesn't matter.

The agreement when the whole Negativo strategy started was that a
technical fallback would be in place. If it is not ready, you can't
blame the kernel. But sure, let's take it to FESCo, that will be a fun
meeting. I am chairing next week, and would be happy to put it on the

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