On 10/11/2017 10:24 PM, Christopher wrote:

> Thanks, that definitely helps.
> I think the hardest part of being a contributor to Fedora is trying to get
> an understanding of how all the backend stuff fits together, so that you
> understand where you fit as a contributor. Some tools like `fedpkg` and
> `fedrepo_req` can help make certain repetitive tasks easier, but they have
> the unfortunate side-effect of obscuring the infrastructure so that it can
> be hard to grok.

Yeah, and it doesn't help that our documentation is... not great. ;(

> Can you explain how the branches in Pagure (specifically,
> src.fedoraproject.org) map to the new SLAs (after F27), and what backend
> pieces are changing to compose a Fedora distribution from these branches
> after F27? What infrastructure metadata is stored about branches, so the
> right branch is used for composing a particular distribution? And how do
> packagers view/track this metadata, as it pertains to the branches in their
> repos in Pagure? Does src.fedoraproject.org fit in to this picture at all,
> or is all that done outside of that particular Pagure instance (aside from
> the git branches themselves, which obviously would exist in those repos)?

That sort of data is not in pagure at al, but rather in an app called
PDC ( https://pdc.fedoraproject.org/ ) Product definition center.

It keeps track of slas, branches, etc. Pagure queries PDC to tell what
branches should exist, so when you request a new branch it gets added to
PDC and then pagure knows it's acceptable.

I'll let someone from modularity side talk about how we compose post
f28, but from a high level theres module definition files that pull in
different branches to compose a module and a bunch of those are added to
compose a release. (At least my understanding, I could be wrong here)


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