I don't have to do it for many of my packages, but I do regularly check ABI
compliance before performing an update so I know if I need to rebuild
dependencies or not.

Currently my workflow is something like:

$ cd abicompare/<pkgname>
$ mkdir <oldver> <newver>
$ cd <oldver> (unpack pakage and -devel package)
(same for <newver>)
$ abi-compliance-checker -l <package> -vnum <newver> -dump <newver>
$ abi-compliance-checker -l <package> -vnum <oldver> -dump <oldver>
$ abi-compliance-checker -l <package> -old <oldabidump_dir> -new
$ scp -r <html_report> <fedorapeople>:public_html/compatibility_report/

It would be REALLY nice to automate this to any extent possible PRIOR to
actually building a package (fedpkg <scratch-build | mockbuild>).

I'm partial to abi-compliance-checker because I maintain it and I know how
to interpret the results but any equivalent tool would be fine :)

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