Hi everyone, I'm sending an email as suggested in the package maintainer

The first time I installed Linux was in 1998, since then it always has been
in my life. I started working as a tech guy in 2000 goes to shool and
started my professional career as a linux sysadmin in 2005.
I'm a Fedora ambassador since 2009. I was more involved at that time, the
last 5-6 years have been crazy trying to deal with a family life, kids, the
job, learning to work with openstack, trying new projects etc... So I
wasn't around very often, now I'm trying to come back and put more time on

I'm starting with a idea to build a spin of Fedora related to crypto, a
kind of read-only live media where user could boot on it and interact with
the blockchain with at the very least, the peace of mind of not having
spyware or virus running on this OS spying it's private key. I've already
played around with mock and built my first livecd, I have to package few
tools that will enable to user to interact with few blockchains so that's
why I'm here, I've packaged Myetherwallet and Mycrypto and I'm looking for
a sponsor! I will start with tools for Ethereum because it's the one I'm
used to work with but will slowly add new wallets and tools if the review
process is going well with my first packages!

I don't know if there's a lot of "crypto enthusiast" here but I'm looking
for ideas and I want to have discussion on how this live distro and
packages can be achieved in the most transparent way. I'm totally aware the
user booting this live media will put all it's trust on the maintainer
because it could be easy to add few line of code and stole their private
keys etc.. So I really want to do this the right way so the community can
doublecheck everything in the process. You can join #MyLiveCrypto on
freenode if you want to talk about that or message pm me, Arsenick.

Thanks, have a nice day!
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