On 04/09/2018 10:54 AM, Matthias Runge wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 09, 2018 at 10:01:21AM +0200, Martin Sehnoutka wrote:
>>> Restarted Firefox and then also the whole laptop. Doesn't work. But
>>> then I'm in Fedora 28 so it may be a bug. Anyway, getting this to work
>>> for me isn't really the point of the thread. I'm wondering about
>>> something that works out of the box for everyone, what that looks
>>> like, and it seems like dnscrypt-proxy 2 can support either DNSSEC or
>>> DNS-over-HTTP.
>> I've been playing with dnssec-trigger for a while and I would not enable
>> it by default. If you have a single connection with ISP provided
>> resolvers or public DNS, it is fine, but it gets harder to configure
>> when you have multiple connections like Wi-Fi and corporate or
>> university VPNs where each provides some forward zones and needs reverse
>> zones for correct behavior.
> Same here, I' cusious if anyone has been able to get it working
> properly? In best case, has someone written about it?
> I'm fiddling around with adding/removing unbound forwards depending on
> connected networks here and there, but it's still quite hacky.
> Matthias

I am thinking about writing some article on this topic. The hacky thing
with adding/removing forwards should do the script automatically, but it
does not work 100% of times, unfortunately ...

Martin Sehnoutka | Associate Software Engineer
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