On 02/05/18 17:50, Kamil Dudka wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 4:25:58 PM CEST Iain Rae wrote:
>> if they've got sudo privs to install software in the system area as root 
>> then any malicious program is going to emulate su/sudo in which case 
>> you're rooted in both scenarios.
> In order to emulate su/sudo, the binary needs to have special permissions.  
> Programs downloaded by web browsers do not get them and non-privileged users 
> cannot grant such permissions.
ah so something like :

echo [sudo] password for $ME
read -s PASSWD
echo $PASSWD >> /tmp/.stash
echo $PASSWD |sudo -S $* > /dev/null

probably wouldn't work then ;)

> I just wanted to say that many users would not need sudo access at all if 
> they 
> were able to install software to their home directory in a way that it works 
> out of the box.
oh yes, that would be the ideal situation, and if ~/.login/bin is so
standard you'd think that things like pip would check to see if there
was a more up to date version of themselves in there and run it rather
than the system installation.

> Kamil

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