>>>>> "NK" == Nico Kadel-Garcia <nka...@gmail.com> writes:

NK> Would you please post, or post a link to, your updated filter
NK> script?

It remains at https://pagure.io/fedora-misc-package-utilities :

I currently have no unpushed commits to that repository.

NK> I'd be especially curious if it inserts a record of the
NK> work in the %changelog stanza.

Well, the script just detects issues, it doesn't change the specfiles.

NK> As good as you may be at writing such tools, I'd be a bit wary of "I
NK> have this script that's touching hundreds or thousands of spec
NK> files, and which I've updated again, and no one has seen the final
NK> form, but you can verify my work by checking the thousands of
NK> modified RPM's I've built". It seems somewhat risky.

I haven't written any scripts which modify specfiles, only scripts which
find issues.  And in any case:


Besides... this is git.  And rawhide.  If I broke something seriously
then I or any maintainer or any provenpackager can revert the commit.

Really, if we just waited until every spec maintainer had a chance to
ack every script that's used to modify packages, there would be no point
in ever trying to do automated cleanup.  Sorry, but my work with Fedora
will be aimed towards progress, not sitting around not changing anything
for fear of potentially breaking something.

The removals of %defattr that I did a few hours ago were done by hand,
not scripted.  I don't doubt that there's a reasonable chance that I
could have screwed up one or two out of nearly 2700 packages.  That's

Oh, and I did not modify the package %changelog sections, or change
Release:.  That would be pointless; the change is of course tracked in
git, but as it makes no difference at all to the generated package,
there is no point in it receiving a changelog entry.  If you really want
to add one, be my guest.

 - J<
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